Monday, September 22, 2014


Title/Author(s): Banished: A Memoir, by Lauren Drain with Lisa Pulitzer
Genre: Non-Fiction 
Year of Copyright: 2013

What is this book about? 
This book is about a young woman (Lauren Drain) whose family joined a religious group called the Westboro Baptist Church (well known for their messages of hate while picketing soldiers' funerals as well as other events around the country) when she was 15 years old. After being apart of this community for several years, Lauren, is kicked out and ex-communicated from her family and friends. This is about her life in the Westboro Baptist Church.

Share a favorite part: 
The climax of the book, when her life is drastically changed by the banishment from the community, was my favorite part of the book.

What did you like the most?
I enjoy reading memoirs so it was all very interesting to me to read people's stories and try and understand the relationships and treatment given to the protagonist. 

What did you like the least? 
The fact that there is a group (so well versed with the bible and very well educated outside of their religion) spreading hate messages and seeing themselves as so unbelievably superior to everyone else in the world. There are about 70 of these people who think they are the only ones in the entire universe that will be saved and are going to Heaven... It's pretty disgusting how much they're lacking of love and compassion.

Describe this book in 3 words: Resilient, Infuriating, Interesting 

What was the overall message, you think, the author is trying to give? 
She is trying to give an understanding of the religion where she spent several years of her life. From what I understood, she's not trying to be bias, just tell the truth. This group is so well educated that they can argue anything and are ready for any opposition (I mean most of the adults are lawyers so that makes sense).

Do you recommend this book?
I don't know... if you are opened to becoming extremely annoyed with some of the views the author writes about, then by all means, read it. However, if you aren't big on these types of books where people have extreme beliefs, then I don't recommend it. I am interested in stories like this because of the culture shock people go through once they are out in the real world. It amazes me how strong a person becomes when they have no other choice.

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