Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Last week, Agnes and I spent a couple of days at Paul's parent's house while Paul had work in the city. I didn't bring the book I was reading at the time, so I skimmed their book shelves. This book grabbed my attention right away and before long I was engrossed in this woman's story. It took me a day and a half (just enough time to not have to take it home with me) to read and I am glad I did! Come check it out: 

Title/Author(s): Unplanned, Abby Johnson
Genre: Non-Fiction 
Year of Copyright: 2011

What is this book about? 
This book is about a woman named Abby Johnson and the path she takes in becoming the director of a Planned Parenthood clinic in Bryan, Texas (an abortion clinic). After witnessing and assisting an actual abortion (8 years after starting work for Planned Parenthood), she decides to leave and immediately join a pro-life group called Coalition for Life. Many prayers and losses of babies' lives preceded her conversion, even two of her own children. 

Share a favorite part: 
My favorite part of this book is the call from God to have her pray outside the same clinic she had walked into work and had been the director of every day. 

What did you like the most?
I like the layout of the book and how it starts with the turning point and then backtracks all the way to where she was first approached for volunteering at the same clinic she was going to direct.

What did you like the least? 
Honestly, there isn't a particular part or aspect of the book I don't like. I was never bored or disinterested. The whole story was beautiful, sad at times (and I cried), and very moving. 

Describe this book in 3 words: Moving, Heart-wrenching, Real

What was the overall message, you think, the author is trying to give? 
She is trying to share the realities and truth behind Planned Parenthood and the horrors of abortion. There are many lies and over-exaggerations about the Planned Parenthood organization and that's one of the reasons why this book was written, to fight it with the truth and not create more lies. This book doesn't make her out to be a hero. In all honesty, she has taken many lives by counseling women with the choice of terminating their pregnancies and killing innocent babies. She aborted two of her pregnancies. This book is about the truth to Planned Parenthood and the focus they have on making money by scheduling more abortions  than what they said they would do, "To try and prevent as many abortions as possible by giving women options for birth control and health care."

Do you recommend this book?
Absolutely! I read it in one and a half days so it's a quick read. It's a great book!

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